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Michael J. Bird delivers a private Homeopathic practice worldwide, providing phone and video conferencing consultations worldwide. All medicines are included in the price of a consultation (Homeopathic Medicines are posted from a Homeopathic pharmacy). Additional postage costs could be incurred on occasion for delivery outside of the UK.

Clinic Times

Monday - Saturday 8.00am - 9.00pm (last appointment 8.00pm).


Please use booking facility button to view appointment times available.

Treatment Process

First Consultation

The first consultation involves obtaining a detailed medical history and gathering information about your symptoms, aiming to capture the characteristics that are particular to your condition. 

Follow-up Consultations

During the initial follow-up consultation a Homeopath will review progress and changes in your condition since the first/last consult. 

Frequency of Appointments

I am willing to discuss the length of treatment during the first consultation. Usually, after the first consultation the follow-up will be approximately four-six weeks later. I am adaptable to clients needs, providing shorter timeframes between appointments for clients in crisis or financial implications. 


All medications including postage are included in the consultation price except for postage costs outside of the UK. Additional postage costs could be incurred on occasion for delivery outside of the UK.

'Homeopathy is for everyone'

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